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Handle Stress and Anxiety Strategies for College Students

As students finish high school, they have to move out of the bird’s nest and soar up high to college. To some individuals, the transition is exciting. While others would find themselves full of stress and anxiety. They’ve heard stories of the stress of medical field studies for students in malaysia go through, and the struggle to keep up with writing notes in lectures. All the stories have summed up into one big ball of nervousness. There is also the fear of not being able to keep up with studies, assignments, exams, part-time jobs, and many more. This goes the same for college students who are coming back from a long study-from-home period due to COVID-19. 

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While all those fears and anxiety are valid, there are strategies that students can do to manage stress. It is important to combat all the stress rather than drowning in them. This is our support. Here are ways you can do to combat stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. 

Keep a normal routine

Maintaining a routine such as sleeping, waking up, eating 3 meals a day, exercising, writing tomorrow’s schedule, and maintaining hygiene are essential in keeping a routine. The norm has changed for so many individuals. Hence it’s important to get back on track. It’s healthy for students to keep a routine so that their days are kept at a pace they can keep up whilst maintaining their physical and mental health. 

Take a break

Some students believe that as long as their work is done, then they can play as hard as they can. But, if you work too hard, then what energy is left for you to use to play? It’s essential that students get enough rest to avoid stress, burnout, depression, self-esteem issues, and other mental health issues. Hence a ways students can maintain this by giving themselves words of affirmation, limiting alcohol and caffeine, getting enough sleep, and practising meditation techniques. 

Stay connected

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It’s important that when we are stressed, we seek a connection with someone. Being around the people you are comfortable with helps alleviate stress. Rather than isolating yourself, make an effort to reach out to family and loved ones. Keep up with their well-being on social media or call them through a video call. A face-to-face conversation always helps to reduce stress. 

Seek professional help

Seeking help is the solution if you feel like you are experiencing unhealthy levels of anxiety and stress. Professional help is always available for you to reach out whenever you need it. Exploring mental health support in your colleges such as counselling and support groups can help with stress and anxiety management. It’s not a sign of weakness nor is it shameful.