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Pros and Cons of Owning a Car

With the current less than ideal state of public transportation, it’s a small wonder why most people choose to get their license and buy their own cars. Who would want to depend on unreliable transportation services, after all. It would mean a one way ticket to constantly being labeled as tardy. However, even though buying your very own Vios GR Sport Malaysia comes with countless benefits, the inverse is true as well. Nothing comes without its drawbacks and owning a car is no exception. If you’re thinking of buying a car of your own, read on before purchasing.


Vios GR Sport Malaysia


  • It gives you independence

Relying on others for transportation or using public transportation might be hazardous. When you utilize public transportation, you may be concerned about arriving on time. If you miss your bus or train, your timetable may be thrown off by many precious minutes. You don’t have to change your schedule to accommodate people if you own a car. Self-reliance and independence are two advantages of having your very own car.

  • It’s handy in emergencies

Using public transportation increases your risk of illness. When you travel in buses or other kinds of public transportation, you may come across potential disease carriers who can infect you. When you have a car, you are in control of who goes in and out of it. Another advantage of having a car is that it is extremely handy in an emergency. A single ambulance journey can cost hundreds of ringgit. Having a car will help you save money and get you where you need to go in an emergency.

  • It’s more flexible

Getting a car is only sensible when our population expands and our cities become more crowded. Having a car allows you to travel wherever you need to go. If you need to go food shopping quickly, you don’t have to worry about the weather slowing down public transportation. Many daily duties may be made easier with the aid of an automobile. A car may make your life so much simpler if you lead a hectic life. Having a car allows you to make better use of your time and efforts.


Vios GR Sport Malaysia


  • It’s bad for the environment

It can’t be denied that when everyone owns and uses their own cars on a daily basis, the Earth suffers more. Individuals’ usage of private automobiles results in increased carbon dioxide emissions which contribute significantly to global warming. According to some studies, carbon dioxide emissions created by vehicles account for 40% of the causes of global warming

  • It’s pricier to upkeep

Everyone knows that buying a car is an extremely costly thing to do. Even after purchasing one, there are countless ongoing expenditures such as maintenance fees, insurance, gasoline, mechanical check charges and many more. With the constant rise in gas prices, the effect of purchasing a car on your bank account gets more and more significant as the years go on.

As seen above, there are definitely more pros than cons when it comes to getting your own car. Be sure to make an informed decision if you are a first time car buyer as buying your very own sports car is a huge commitment to make.