What are the Daily Essentials?

Ah, the daily essentials. Those things we simply cannot live without. We rely on them every single day to get us through life’s ups and downs, to keep us sane and functioning in this crazy world. But besides the obvious necessities like food, water, and oxygen (which I hope are pretty much a given), what are the other daily essentials that we must not forget? Let’s explore this question in a lighthearted and humorous way!


Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what on earth you need to survive the day? Don’t worry, my friend, you’re not alone. We all have our daily essentials, those things that may seem trivial but can make or break our day. From that first glorious sip of coffee to the comfort of slipping into your favorite pair of jeans, these little things can have a huge impact on our mood and productivity.

The Essentials: A Not-So-Definitive List

Now, let’s dive into some of the daily essentials that keep our lives running smoothly, or at least partially. Here’s a collection of items and activities that we just can’t live without:

1. Coffee – The Elixir of Life

For many of us, the day doesn’t really start until that magical brew touches our lips. That steaming cup of joe has the power to transform us from groggy zombies into functional human beings. Malaysians may prefer a good “kopi” with condensed milk or a strong “teh tarik” to kickstart their day.

2. Internet – The Great Distraction

We’ve become so dependent on the internet that it’s now considered an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it’s for work, entertainment, or just mindlessly scrolling through social media, we can’t help but be glued to our screens. Just make sure to take a break and give your eyes a rest!

3. Music – The Soundtrack of Life

Imagine a world without music. It’s a chilling thought, isn’t it? Music has the power to uplift our spirits, soothe our souls, or even make us break out into spontaneous dance moves (yes, even in public). So put on your favorite tunes and let the music take you to another dimension.

4. Snacks – The Fuel for Happiness

Let’s face it, we all need our snack fix. Whether it’s a bag of chips, a piece of chocolate, or some local “kuih”, snacks have a way of making us feel better, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment. So go ahead, indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. We won’t judge.

5. Laughter – The Best Medicine

Last but certainly not least, laughter is an essential part of our lives. It’s the fuel that keeps our spirits high and helps us navigate through life’s challenges. So surround yourself with funny friends, watch a hilarious movie, or simply let out a hearty chuckle. Trust me, it works wonders.


As you can see, the daily essentials go beyond the basic necessities of life. They are the little things that bring us joy, laughter, and satisfaction. So the next time you find yourself wondering what you need to survive the day, take a moment to appreciate these gems. Embrace them, cherish them, and let them brighten up your day.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What if I don’t like coffee? Can I still survive?
A1: Of course! While coffee is beloved by many, it’s not a prerequisite for survival. There are plenty of alternative beverages out there to give you that energy boost, like tea, energy drinks, or even just plain water.

Q2: Why is the internet so addictive?
A2: Ah, the internet, a double-edged sword. Its addictive nature can be attributed to a combination of factors such as the constant stream of new information, the allure of social media, and the easy access to entertainment. Just remember to use it in moderation!

Q3: Can I survive without snacks?
A3: Well, technically, yes. But where’s the fun in that? Snacks provide a little burst of happiness in our lives, so go ahead and indulge in your favorite treats. Just remember to balance it out with some healthy choices too!

Q4: Is there a limit to how much we should laugh?
A4: Absolutely not! Laugh as much as your heart desires. Laughter has numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. So let loose, find joy in the little things, and laugh until your cheeks hurt.

Q5: Are these daily essentials universal?
A5: While the concept of daily essentials is subjective and can vary from person to person, the ones mentioned here are generally relatable across different cultures and backgrounds. After all, who doesn’t love a good laugh or a tasty snack?

Remember, the key to a happy and fulfilling day lies in recognizing and embracing these daily essentials. So go forth, my friend, and let these little joys make your day a little bit brighter.